Tuesday, October 30, 2012

DIY : Custom kitchen canisters

I found this pin awhile back on Pinterest showcasing these
beautiful DIY kitchen canisters, and I just knew I had to make my own!

If you are at all interested in making these yourself or would like to order already made printables
then you NEED to go and check out The Painted Hive for a step by step tutorial.

Here is the direct link to The Painted Hive's online tutorial:

I followed it step by step and I couldn't be happier with the outcome!  I'll add in a couple tips I think might help you understand the process a little bit easier, as well as including a few photos of my own process. However, this is by no means a step by step tutorial.
You'll need to go to The Painted Hive to understand the entire process!

 As you can see, I opted for a different type of jar to use.
I don't know why, but I've just never liked the snap-on lids on SLOM jars.
These twist-on lids were a little bit cheaper and I knew they'd still keep things sealed up nicely.

In order to make these printables you need two different types of paper:

Waterslide Decal Paper
Magic Decal Coating

Since the company that The Painted Hive uses is located in Australia...
I decided to see if I could find anywhere that sold it online (through the US).
I was able to find an online store through Ebay called www.robinseggcetera.com
They sell 5 sheets of the waterslide decal paper and magic decal coating together for only $12.61.

I started off by downloading The Painted Hive's free printable PDF onto the glossy side of the waterslide decal paper. I did a little rearranging in photoshop so I would only have to print off one sheet since I knew I only wanted 8 custom wordings.
(I only ended up using 7 of the ones I printed)

Note: When you 'separate' the magic decal coating paper from the translucent protective paper -
All you're doing is removing the tissue paper. It's nothing you have to peel off.

While reading the instructions from The Painted Hive
I initially thought it was something I'd have to peel off. It isn't. :)

I had to buy a cheap laminator from Walmart for $24 since I didn't have one.
I was initially hesitant to put the 3 papers together through the laminator...
I was afraid the tissue paper would melt or something would get stuck...
Aside from my worries, I went ahead and slid the 3 papers (together) into the laminator
and thankfully they came out just as they were supposed to. :)

So don't be worried... Nothing will melt.


Afterwards, I tried my hardest to cut the words out into nice squares...
this proved to be more difficult than anything.

Note * : When you are dampening the watermarked side of your laminated printouts - be sure to
dampen the entire surface (Edge to Edge)! I missed a corner and a little bit of the edging on one of
the labels and it was a pain to try to fix it after already peeling the watermarked side off.

(This will make sense when you actually get to that point)

Also, if you have a pesky kitty who always wants to know what you're up to...
this makes this project much more challenging.

The jars after heating 2 at a time in the microwave for 5 minutes each (with the lids off, of course).
Note**: Do NOT do this. After my final jar... my microwave temporarily overheated and would not turn on...
It took about an hour for it to turn back on again... Needless to say, I thought I broke it.
You'd be best to use a hair dryer or the oven. :)

Two of the canisters are missing because I didn't have any powdered sugar or brown sugar. :)
I'll be getting some soon.
I also cheated with the cocoa, as you can see.
I think it might be time to make a homemade batch of cocoa.

All-in-all I'm very happy with the outcome and can't wait to use this knowledge for future projects!

Monday, October 29, 2012

sweaters & skirts

I'm crazy about skirts right now.
Especially this faux leather skirt I found online at Forever 21.
I thought it'd be perfect to pair it with a cozy knit sweater for today's beautiful fall weather.
I hope you all had a great start to the week... I'll be working on crafts all day tomorrow! :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

fall and new shoes.

I recently picked up a 2nd pair of heels this month (a record for me), 
and I have to say I'm loving them! Perfect for the fall and winter and 
they have enough of a heel to make them look dressy or casual. 
You can find them at Forever 21.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Being in front of the camera.

This blog has been about more than just what I like to wear, what I'm currently into, crafts, and all things pretty.

As a photographer I'm rarely in front of the camera. When I get in front of the camera for self portraits I try to focus more on the light, the emotion and the overall photo... and sadly I can't forget myself (and who to be our own worst critics, but ourselves). However, I also know how precious a snapshot taken while on a trip, a celebration, or even just living life can be for years to come.

I was always worried that I'd look back (or if something ever happened to me) that there wouldn't be many pictures of me to look back on...

I'm thankful that I've been able to start teaching my boyfriend more about photography and how to use a camera because now I have someone to take pictures of me, too. :) 

Thank you, Glenn for taking photos of me and sharing an interest in my passion. You've helped me so much and continue to do so.  <3

This blog wouldn't be here without you.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Go Buy | Fresh Flowers

Go buy yourself some flowers. It'll make you feel good, no matter what.
Besides - who says someone has to buy them for you. :)

...even your pets might enjoy them. :)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Before & After | coffee stained wood

I love being able to have creative decor for my apartment & spending hardly any money on it. 

[The Process]

I knew I wanted a shelf since I have such a tiny bathroom & very little closet space.

I happened to come upon this new wood crate at Walmart for only $4.88. There was also a small chalkboard sign for only $2.47 so I figured I could at least test the coffee "stain" on the chalkboard sign first and it'd still be a little thing I could always find a use for. 

[Before] - getting everything prepared!

Leave steel wool overnight in vinegar for 48 hours.

Take used coffee grounds in water (or tea) and use a paint brush to coat the new wood with several coats. It might soak through and you may not notice a dramatic difference. That's okay. [*Tip: You could also add the coffee grounds right away to the vinegar instead - then you'd be applying it all at once after the 48 hours].

[After 48 hours] Take the steel wool out of the vinegar and begin brushing it over the new wood. It'll be very dark & gray in color, but it'll dry lighter. Once it's dry you can choose to sand it down a bit to give it a nice finish (at your own discretion) or you can give it another coat if you'd like it to look darker. I preferred the lighter gray look (as you can see on the crate below). You could also paint it white first & then sand it down to give it a white rustic undercoat - which I think I'll be trying on another item. :)

[After] - Chalkboard Sign (stain looks slighter darker in a lamp lit room)

[Accurate color depiction in daylight]

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Current Obsessions [October Edition]

 Leopard prints  |  Corduroy Pants  |  Knit sweaters  |  Ankle Boots

LEOPARD SHOES: Target    /    CORDUROY PANTS: red & chartreuse - Target | brown - Old Navy

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fall days are my favorite.

Fall is about change. A transition from one season to the next. It is by far my favorite season, and I'm not just being biased. ;) It's about beautiful colors, cooler weather, and summer coming to an end.
During the summer (at least here in North Dakota/Minnesota) we spend so much of our time running - trying to fit everything into the short 3, maybe 4 months of summer weather that we're given.

...Fall is like a breath of fresh air - a reminder to take time for ourselves, to spend time with our loved ones, and to take in the amazing colors & scenery before we embrace the winter ahead.

DRESS: Forever 21    /    LEGGINGS: Forever 21    /    BOOTS:  Matisse Footwear @ DSW